Plant trees to save our planet

Forests are one of the solutions to saving our planet from climate change problems. The effects of global warming can cause extreme temperatures, seasonal disruption, desertification, rapid melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, reduced snow cover, rising sea levels and current changes, increased coastal floods and cyclones, changes in the distribution of fauna and flora, a resurgence of deadly diseases... and more.

One of the main contributing factors of global warming is the increased concentration of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, causing a 'greenhouse effect'.

It is estimated that forests have the potential to absorb about 40% of global carbon emissions caused by humans. However, when forests are not managed sustainably and are cleared, overused or degraded, this potential is dramatically reduced. In fact, the clearing of forests (deforestation) actually releases more carbon back into the atmosphere.



Why plant trees?


Trees as air filters

Trees are good air filters. Whether in town or in the countryside, one of the main environmental benefits of trees is their ability to purify the air significantly more than smaller plants due to their large size and extensive root system.

Through photosynthesis, the harmful carbon gases (CO2) present in the air are absorbed by the trees and stored in their woody biomass. The trees then release oxygen allowing us to breathe clean air. Thus, the survival of humanity depends entirely on the existence of trees because without them, we could not breathe properly. The more trees we grow therefore, the more carbon we will remove from the atmosphere and the more oxygen we will have to breathe.


Trees as soil protectors

Trees are also useful for protecting soil against erosion. Indeed, their roots help maintain the soil and stabilise it, which is important because soils also store a lot of carbon. In the event of floods or strong winds, a treed landscape is more protected than an area without trees which is at risk of soil degradation by erosion or gullying.

Trees also play a vital role in regulating soil hydrology. Thanks to them, the water table is maintained at the right level.


Trees and health

Trees bring their virtue to the health of humans. Many of their leaves are used in medicine to cure diseases. Trees also play a major role in human psychological health. A well-wooded space gives people an ideal place to relax and de-stress. Hugging a tree connects you to the grounding energy of the Earth.


Trees as thermal regulators

The presence of trees in a region makes it possible to regulate the differences in temperature. Through evapotranspiration, trees release water vapour that humidifies the air. They have the quality of refreshing the air. Thus, without the trees, the area may be exposed to extreme temperature variation ranging from high heat to intense cold.


Trees as water filters

Acting as true water filters, trees significantly improve the quality of water. First, they absorb rainwater by percolation and improve the groundwater level. Then, the presence of trees around a stream is essential to block the waste and the dirt so that they do not pollute the surface water. Not to mention that the shade provided by these trees on the water can better oxygenate the aquatic fauna.


Trees for Biodiversity

Trees are also vital for animal species. Forests provide animals with a safe habitat and food. The disappearance of a single species of tree could cause more than thirty species of animals to become extinct. To better protect wildlife, it is strongly recommended to protect forests and plant trees.

